Knockrabo SHD

• Construction of 227 no. residential units in 4 no. separate apartment blocks ranging in height from 2 – 8 storeys including semi-basement podium, comprising of 76 no. 1 bed units, 145 no. 2 bed units and 6 no. 3 bed units.

• Balconies/Wintergardens are provided on all elevations at all levels for the 4 no. apartment blocks, with (Private) Terraces provided at top floor levels and a communal Roof Terrace of c. 198 sq m to be provided on Block F.

• Provision of 389 no. private residential bicycle parking spaces and 124 no. visitor bicycle parking spaces.

• A total of 178 no. residential car parking spaces, which comprises 125 no. residential podium parking spaces and 35 no. residential on-street parking spaces, as well as 16 no. visitor/drop off parking and 2 no. car sharing on-street parking spaces.

• Provision of 537.2 sqm internal tenant amenity space.

• The main vehicular entrance to the scheme will be from Knockrabo Way off Mount Anville Road.

• All other ancillary site development works to facilitate site services, piped infrastructure, 2 no. sub-stations, public lighting, plant, bin stores, bike stores, boundary treatments and hard and soft landscaping.

• The application does not impact on the future access to the Reservation for the Dublin Eastern Bypass.